About Us

VIAST'S History

VIAST is an private ADULT education institute in Estonia. It has an edge over the others in terms of location, as it is situated in the heart of Europe. Established in the year 2018, the institute operates in alliance with outstanding professors from Europe, and US, and Canada, we believe in giving our students the quality they ought to have, by designing pathways to knowledge sharing. VIAST welcomes students from all around the world to a whole new experience of learning.

This private campus was established to create a difference and alacrity amongst the students by using the best insights possible in the field of education and training. Students come to Estonia in pursuit of studies in various fields every year and each wanting to have the best-specialized training in their respective field of study. We provide the best innovative education models and facilities to all our students irrespective of the backgrounds the students come from.


When the transition happens from being just a student to a professional, one realizes the importance of both theory and practical knowledge. It is very important to be well equipped with complete skill-specific knowledge for positive career growth.


Learning the knowledge is theory and putting the same knowledge into use is called Practice. Practice progresses to excellence and excellence opens doors to many opportunities. The opportunities pave way for you to build a portfolio of your rich experiences.


There are many instances where people with a common work mindset form a progressive society. These societies give you access to informal conversations and conference presentations. Active participation in such societies can result in your admittance.


Reflective learners absorb new learning very easily. They relate their learning to the knowledge they already have in them. They adapt their learning for their personal growth which helps them translate their thoughts into action. Over a period, they develop creativity and the ability to think critically about information or ideas. There is a possibility this can also result in Metacognition, which is nothing but, the ability to think about one's thinking process. This can include study skills, memory capabilities, and the aptitude to monitor learning. Metacognition is well defined as "one's knowledge concerning one's cognitive processes, or anything related to them".

Academic Excellence

At VIAST, we callously adhere to our tradition and history that acts as a strong commitment to our individual learners and teachers who are actively involved in the process of growth and development. Our qualified and diverse faculty promotes a very rich environment of engaged learning, critical thinking, supportive learning, research, creativity, and a challenging environment. We are committed towards an active academic environment which fosters lifelong development of the scholars, learners, mentors, and teachers.

Educational Opportunity

VIAST values an enriched educational opportunity and welcomes students who show willingness and promises to work towards clinching shared educational goals. VIAST is devoted to offering the students accessible and higher standards of career development and educational programs.

Personal Growth

At VIAST, we focus on the overall development of the person. VIAST is strictly adhered to provide the scope for personal growth in an enriched environment which enhances the development of ethical decision making, wellness, and personal responsibility.

Social Responsibility

VIAST is pledged to social justice, equity and diversity while maintaining the highest standards of integrity in our way of approaching others. VIAST is the homeland of enormous resources and the stimulus to the educational, cultural, environmental, economic, and community development in the global workforce.

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