

The MBA Study in Estonia  – the Great Guide to Study a Postgraduate Diploma

The Diploma program – a typical postgraduate education

With the study at the Institute and the first Bachelor for many students in the world only the training began. To get a good job with advancement opportunities, a bachelor's degree and at least one academic title are now a basic requirement and a standard with which you can no longer stand out from the crowd. Therefore, it is important to stay on the ball after your studies, to further your education, and to further specialize. An MBA degree not only increases your education, but also the chance of a well-paid job in a leadership position.

MBA studies are usually very practice-oriented. Projects and group work are an integral part of almost every course. The degree programs are completed with a master's thesis and an oral final exam in which the master's thesis must be defended.

In terms of the process, an MBA degree hardly differs from a basic degree. However, it is much more demanding in terms of content, since only the best of the best are admitted and a correspondingly high level of education determines the degree. A full-time course lasts between one and two years but in most cases, the MBA is extra-occupational and lasts up to three years.

Who Can Become a Management Graduate?

The study places for all MBA programs in Estonia are hotly contested. Anyone who has completed an Institute degree, i.e. a bachelor's or a diploma, can apply. Mostly a few years of professional experience are a prerequisite. If such expertise is proven, some higher education institutions may take management courses without an Institute degree.

How Much Does an MBA Cost?

Unfortunately, studying for an MBA is usually a very expensive affair, with tuition fees varying widely depending on the provider and country. Everything is possible between 5000 Euro and 60.000 Euro for the complete education if one excludes the Eliteunis, which are even more expensive.

MBA Courses in Estonia – the Most Important Information

That has been accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Estonia or EQUIS. The range of MBA study programs is getting bigger and more varied from year to year.

Why Get an MBA in Europe?

Do you want to become a business leader, manage organizations, inspire people and make a difference in the world of business? Then getting an MBA degree will be the right step to reach these career goals.

In recent years, European business schools have built up a good international reputation. Graduates from their MBA programs have gone on to influential leadership positions in large corporations or successfully started their businesses as entrepreneurs. Because Europe is such a diverse continent with many different nations and languages, it is the ideal launching pad for an exciting career.

Here Are the Top Reasons Why You Should Get Your MBA in Europe:

Some of the Best Business Schools in the World Are Located in Europe:

The MBA rankings by the Financial Times and by the Economist clearly show the excellence of business schools in Europe: Every year, about half of the world's top 20 are taken by European institutions. Europe is home to most of the best-ranked business schools in Europe.

MBA Tuition Fees in Europe Are Very Affordable Compared with the Us:

Tuition fees for MBA programs have been rising everywhere. In the US, top business schools usually charge upwards of 120,000 dollars. But in Europe, you can get an MBA at top schools for less money, sometimes around 30,000 to 80,000 euros; and you can even find degrees at reputable universities for much less.

You Can Enroll in Part-Time or 1-Year MBA Programmes:

Many MBA degrees in the USA and elsewhere require you to study for 2 full years. That is not only more expensive, it also means giving up a salary for a long time. In Europe, however, you will find that 1-year MBA programs are the norm. And with a part-time degree, you could also work on the side, allowing you to finance your studies with ease. That gives you much greater flexibility to plan your life and career.

There Are Many Specializations to Choose From:

With so many MBA programs in Europe, there are also many different focuses and specializations. You can, of course, go for a classical general management MBA; but there are also MBAs in finance, logistics, marketing, healthcare, purchase, and many more.

You Can Build an International Network of Friends and Business Contacts:

European MBA classes are extremely international. With students from every continent enrolling, there is no better way to build a global network of business connections. Just imagine the possibilities you open up for yourself by knowing people all over the world.

You Can Study in More Than One Country:

European business schools have put a focus on internationalization in recent years. That means that in many MBA programs, exchange options are already included, and sometimes going abroad is even obligatory.

You Can Learn Another Language:

This brings us the right to another great opportunity: learning a new language. There are dozens of languages spoken in Europe. Some of these are spoken all around the world: Think of how much your CV will stand out if you manage to become proficient in a global language like German, French, Spanish, or Portuguese!

Class Sizes Are Smaller:

In European MBA degree programs, the average class sizes are often smaller. That allows you to learn more efficiently and make a better connection with your teachers.

An MBA from Europe Will Do Wonders for Your Career:

Many of the world's biggest companies are European, and they seek to recruit quality candidates from local universities and institutions. With a European MBA, you are all set up for the next exciting step in your career.

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Pärnu, Estonia.

+37 256 507220

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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