Post Graduation Diploma

Post Graduation Diploma

Program Information

Most of the time, when looking up further study, you'll come across advice on either master's degrees or PhDs. But what if you don't want something that time-intensive, or perhaps that research-focused? Don't worry – these aren't the only two options for postgraduate study – there are a few others, one of which is a postgraduate diploma.


What Is a Postgraduate Diploma?

A postgraduate diploma is a shorter qualification than a master's degree, although at the same academic level. Whereas a master's degree is made up of 180 credits (taken from exams, assignments, and so on), a postgraduate diploma is 90 to120 credits. There is a shorter version of this too – a postgraduate certificate, which is 60 credits. There are a variety of courses that come under the heading of a postgraduate diploma – it can be a vocational course, such as a legal practice course, or an academic course.

Academic Courses

With academic courses, the biggest difference between a postgraduate diploma and a master's degree is that a postgraduate diploma doesn't involve having to do a dissertation. You will most likely be assessed by exams, assignments, coursework, or a combination of these. Beyond this, however, you can expect the level of work required to be like other postgraduate courses, especially in terms of content.

Vocational Courses

With vocational courses, it depends very much on the subject, but the intent is that it will prepare you for a career in that area, so postgraduate diplomas in areas such as applied sciences & technology and so on will not just be theoretical, but also practical.

Why Study a Postgraduate Diploma?

Why, you may be asking, spend time on studying for a postgraduate diploma rather than simply doing a master's degree? Well, the reasons are many. Firstly, a postgraduate diploma can be useful for those professional enhancement career skills, who may find their situation changes.

However, this doesn't explain why you'd choose to do it in the first place. Well, as previously mentioned, many postgraduate diplomas are focus on career trend professional training. If you have a specific career goal in mind, it may be better for you to do a diploma aimed at this than a master's program. They're particularly useful for those intending to career.

In addition, the shorter length of time and lack of research makes them good for those wishing to gain a practical qualification to advance their careers, rather than perhaps to research a particular area. Due to their length, they're easier to either take a career break for or to fit around a current job, which is great if your goal is to help with your job.

What about academic reasons though? Well, it's a good in-between style degree for someone who may not be sure about going into academia, or perhaps who wants to study further but not to the extent a master's degree requires. It's also good for moving into an area that may be linked to your undergraduate course.

What Requirements Are There for a Postgraduate Diploma?

As with most postgraduate degrees, a bachelor's degree is required, or at least an advanced certificate in a relevant area (i.e. marketing). For those who may have been working, rather than studying, it is often possible to enter with relevant work experience.

Where Can You Study a Postgraduate Diploma?

VIAST offers postgraduate diplomas, so you will want to ensure you do your research thoroughly.

Overall, a postgraduate diploma is perfect for those of you wanting a qualification that can enhance your career, with practical aspects as well as theoretical – or those wishing to expand their knowledge without the commitment to research of a master.

Graduates who are looking for more training after their undergraduate degree have a variety of options. Postgraduate certificate programs are one of these.

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Pärnu, Estonia.

+37 256 507220

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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